Maryland Food & Abolition Project

I have worked with the Maryland Food & Abolition Project on many social media projects. For their report release, “I Refuse to Let Them Kill Me: Food, Violence, and the Maryland Correctional Food System,” I identified key concepts from the 175-page report, drafted copy and created six Instagram carousel posts.

I have also illustrated four carousel graphic posts for MFAP’s Instagram — about forced labor in prison, solitary confinement, companies that profit off of incarceration, and the unintended consequences of prison gardens.

Additionally, I created promotional images and illustrated notes for a panel discussion MFAP hosted on Food Sovereignty & Abolition.

Food Sovereignty & Abolition Panel Event

When Maryland Food & Abolition Project hosted a panel
discussion, Food Sovereignty and Abolition, I listened to the program and created these visual notes, pulling out key quotes
and concepts showing how we can grow through carcerality
to revolutionary abolition.

Prison Labor Carousel Post

I designed this 10 slide carousel for Maryland Food & Abolition Project to as an infographic to convey how prison labor fuel’s mass incarceration in Maryland. I used the metaphor of a machine to represent the state’s carceral system, to make this complex idea easier to digest and understand. We used black and white for the first 9 slides to convey the bleakness of our carceral system, and added color to the last slide to add vibrance when discussing abolition and alternative visions for our communities.


Baltimore Transit Equity Coalition